Our Mission
It is through outdoor learning experiences that students get practical exposure to what they learn from textbooks and it is through adventure and exploration that they learn valuable life skills which shape them into strong, resilient, kind and refined adults. Let I-xplore be your trusted guide in your transformational life journey.
About Us
I-xplore, specialises in conducting adventure based Outdoor Learning Programmes & Project Based Trips for young people at multiple locations in India as well as Nepal and Bhutan. Our adventure based outdoor learning programmes are conducted through Life Skills Training Camps ( LSTC ) & Himalayan Treks for imparting empowering life skills, mental toughness and valuable personal attributes in the youth, so that they are much better prepared to face the challenges of their adult life.
Our project based trips are meticulously designed to give the students an enriching practical exposure to their academic learning in areas such as science & technology, ecology, media, management and enchanting history & culture of India, through carefully planned itineraries that include visits to relevant organizations, industries and sites.

Why Choose Us?
Having more than 20+ years of experience
With more than 20+ years of experience in conducting these outbound programmes we ensure that our young minds return home tougher and enriched after each of our trips. We take pride in our long association with some of the most reputed institutions, as well.
Other important concerns for us as a specialized travel organization dealing with the youth segment are safety, security, discipline and comfort of all the members who are part of our trips since they travel without their parents. To ensure safe travel and positive environment on our trips & camps we ensure that all relevant aspects are factored in thoroughly through rigorous attention to details and a clearly specified code of conduct which all the students as well as our own team are expected to adhere to.
Our team comprises carefully selected and trained professionals with years of experience. All our outbound programmes are conducted under constant supervision of these well-trained, seasoned and friendly instructors and coordinators with high level of personal integrity.

Our Team.
All our camps, treks and project trips are conducted by these well-trained, seasoned and friendly instructors and coordinators with high level of personal integrity who are very ably supported by our office team. Each of our instructors and facilitators who accompany the student groups strongly adhere to the code of conduct specified by our company in their professional as well as personal spheres. It is precisely due to this due diligence that most of them are fondly remembered by the students for years and decades! They ensure that each of the Camps & Project Trips attended by the student becomes a memorable chapter of his/her life.

Approved by: Department of Tourism Govt. of India

Member: Adventure Tour Operators Association of India

Adventure Partner: International Award for Young People - India